South Lakes MP runs every day in January to raise money for eating disorder charity
Local MP Tim Farron has been running every day this month to raise money for BEAT, a charity which supports people with eating disorders across the UK.
Local MP Tim Farron has been running every day this month to raise money for BEAT, a charity which supports people with eating disorders across the UK.
Commenting on the news that Lowther Estates have dropped plans to allow holiday house boats on Grasmere, South Lakes MP Tim Farron said: "This is a massive win for community campaigning.
In the House of Commons yesterday local MP Tim Farron urged the Government to ditch plans which would make it much harder for local businesses to recruit workers from overseas.
Local MP Tim Farron made the case for better bus services for Cumbria during a meeting with Transport minister Baroness Vere last week.
Last week local MP Tim Farron presented Molly Straughton-Lowe, a pupil at Grange primary school with a book token and a certificate at a school assembly after her design was selected as the winner of Tim's Christmas card competition.
On the floor of the House of Commons this afternoon, local MP Tim Farron made the case for the Environment Agency's flood relief scheme for the River Kent to go ahead.