Search underway for Trustees for new South Lakes mental health charity

Local MP Tim Farron has joined the search for Trustees to lead a new mental health charity based in South Lakeland.
A team of volunteers, supported by CADAS, Growing Well, Manna House and Tim, are working together to create a new charity to provide affordable counselling and potentially other support services.
The team are looking for Trustees to work with us to establish and lead this exciting new venture and meet the needs of communities across South Lakeland.
Potential Trustees should have personal and/or professional experience of mental health issues and excellent communication and interpersonal skills so that they can work effectively with other trustees, clients, volunteers, staffs and partner organisations.
Ideally potential Trustees will also have communication and marketing, financial or legal skills or experience of setting up and leading a business and of working with charities (paid and/or voluntary).
Trustees would need to commit at least 1 day per month and would receive an induction and ongoing training and support.
For further information please contact Deadline for application is 5pm on the 24th June and interviews will be held in Kendal on the 4th July at Manna House.