MP welcomes further unemployment drop
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has welcomed news this morning that unemployment has fallen again in South Lakeland.
According to figures released by the Office of National Statistics the county's unemployment rate fell from 2.7 to 2.6%. This meant that there were 884 fewer dole claimants last month than in May 2012. In South Lakeland we saw a 1.2% fall in unemployment.
This means that 39 people gained a job in the last month and only 739 are receiving Job Seekers Allowance in our area. This good job news is coupled with the announcement that average earnings increased by 1.3% in the year to April.
Commenting, Tim said: "This announcement is encouraging news for our local economy, and shows the resilience of South Cumbria's businesses to an extremely challenging economic climate. However, there is absolutely no room for complacency, and we must remain aware of the fact that the South Lakes has a large elderly population which isn't accounted for in these figures.
"Moreover, while unemployment is low; wages are often lower here than elsewhere as the South Lakes employs a higher percentage of seasonal workers than most other places in the region. This is why it is so important that we bring well paid jobs and apprenticeships to our community."