MP welcomes council plans to kick start economic growth
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has welcomed two council documents recently agreed by the Lib Dem-run South Lakeland District Council. He praised their emphasis on jobs, affordable homes and healthy communities. Tim singled out plans for economic growth in the M6 Corridor, advanced manufacturing and extra support for the rural and visitor economy. Tim thinks that these documents are 'great news for local business'.
South Lakeland District Council approved the Public Health and Economic strategies on Monday evening, both of which are leading the way in such matters throughout the county and are widely admired in local government. The council are building on their plans, recently adopted in the local plan of their commitment to deliver 1,000 jobs and 1,000 new homes. The economic strategy builds on that and is committing to working with employers, partners and investors to deliver development, economic growth, local employment and to promote training opportunities.
In particular the council will;
• Promote South Lakeland as a world class destination for business
• Work with the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to create the conditions for business growth
• Work with developers on regeneration projects and identify land available for business use
• Improve skills and support growth in the private sector
• Encourage investment in South Lakeland.
Tim also welcomed South Lakeland District Council's first Public Health and Wellbeing Strategy, this presents how over the next five years the council will work with their partners sharing expertise, skills and resources to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents and reduce health inequalities. With higher life expectancy, high participation levels in physical activity and lower than average obesity levels, health and wellbeing in South Lakeland is generally better than the national average.
However, there are significant differences in healthy life expectancy across South Lakeland, pockets of deprivation, and there are higher than average households living in fuel poverty and an excess number of winter deaths. By looking forward and facing the challenges in South Lakeland, Tim hopes it will bring more high value jobs and affordable and decent housing to sustain a vibrant diverse economy.
Tim said: "These council plans are exactly right - we need well paid jobs, affordable homes and healthy and sustainable communities and I hope these plans will be the driver to attract businesses to come to our area. I am passionate to help our town centres and to work with businesses to explore every opportunity possible."