MP urges residents to join organ donor register
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has urged people to join the organ donor register. Tim has made his call at the start of National Transplant Week (July 7-13).
This week is National Transplant Week where NHS Blood and Transplant launch their 'Spell it out' campaign to encourage more people to sign up to the organ donor register and, very importantly, let their close family and friends know that they are on the register and want to donate their organs.
On average three people die each day waiting for an organ to become available, yet a single donor can save or transform the lives of up to 9 people.
Families still have to give permission for organ donation even if their family member has signed up to the register, but many still say 'no' as they are unaware of their family member's wishes. The campaign asks people to 'spell it out' to their families and friends that they are on the register and want their organs to be donated.
Join the Organ and Tissue Donor Register at
Tim said: "More people are willing to be an organ donor than are actually signed up. But signing up and telling your relatives of your decision would saves thousands of lives. I hope that during National Transplant Week people can make a big difference and save a life."