MP slams Government plans for local government reorganisation in Cumbria in the middle of pandemic
On the floor of the House of Commons this week, South Lakes MP Tim Farron spoke out against proposals for a top-down reorganisation of councils in Cumbria during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking during a debate in Parliament, Tim said: "In the midst of the biggest crisis this country has faced since the Second World War, is it the wisest thing to spend the next few years engaging with a top-down restructuring of local government, therefore focusing local authorities' efforts not on tackling the virus or on providing schooling or care or looking after our local communities, but on looking inwardly -navel contemplating; reorganising the deckchairs on the Titanic - when instead they should be focusing on serving their communities?
In response the Deputy Chief Whip Stuart Andrew said: "I will certainly make sure that the Secretary of State has heard the views of the hon. Member for Westmorland and Lonsdale."