MP chairs radiotherapy round table meeting in Westminster

Local MP Tim Farron chaired a round table meeting of clinicians, scientists and engineers in Westminster last week to look at how access to radiotherapy treatment can be improved.
Currently 40% of people with cancer will need radiotherapy treatment and yet radiotherapy only makes up 5% of the Government's cancer budget.
Last year, Tim hosted a radiotherapy reception in Parliament to highlight the need for the treatment to receive continued investment from Government and NHS England and has since become a patron of the charity Action Radiotherapy.
Tim said: "It was great to be able to discuss with leading professionals the need for much greater investment for life-saving radiotherapy treatment.
"Here in South Cumbria, this under-investment in radiotherapy services means cancer patients have to make a gruelling 2 to 3-hour round trip to Preston for five days a week, for weeks on end to receive vital treatment.
"I look forward to continuing to work with clinicians and experts to make the case for much greater resources so that radiotherapy is easy to access for people across the country."