MP asks locals to help Fix the Fells

South Lakes MP Tim Farron is urging local people to vote to secure £25,000 worth of funding for the Fix the Fells project.
The Red Tarn to Crinkle Crags path in Langdale is in the running to win £25,000 through the European Outdoor Industries Association to repair serious erosion. The public vote ends on 31st March.
The Langdale path bid is part of the Alpine category of projects currently in the running for funding. Supported by Alpin magazine of Germany since 2010, this category contains those projects located in some of the tallest, steepest, coldest, most inaccessible and most breath-taking areas of the world. Five projects from Scotland, Spain, the Himalayas and Patagonia are competing against the Langdale entry. Tim is hoping that local people will back the Cumbrian entry.
To vote please click on:
Tim said: "This is a fantastic opportunity to help the Fix the Fells project that does such amazing work. I have voted to support them and I hope many more local residents join me and vote for this deserving project!"