Local councillors in Ambleside fight to improve housing estate

Work is under way to give an estate in Ambleside a much-needed clean-up thanks to local Lib Dem councillors.
Councillors Will Clark, Vivienne Rees and Vicky Hughes have been working hard with local residents to tidy up the Kirkfield estate.
The local district council has removed the fly tipping behind one of the houses, and has agreed to inspect the damaged fences and clear the tree and shrubbery debris within the next 10 days.
Vicky said: "Since the successful council election campaign in spring 2017 we are pleased to have got to know Kirkfield and its residents much better.
"Many of whom have commented on aspects of the area which need improving
"Myself, Vivienne and Will have taken on board issues raised with us on the doorstep and are happy that work is now under way to clean-up the estate.
"We will be doing what we can to ensure the County Council fulfil their obligations to the community as soon as possible".