Government needs to stand up to the water companies to prevent future flooding – MP
South Lakes MP says weak regulation on water companies will lead to more and more flooding unless the Government takes action.
At the moment, while the Environment Agency's standard for all new flood defences is to withstand a one in 100-year rainfall event, the industry standard for drainage is just to withstand a one in 30-year rainfall event.
However, a letter from the Floods Minister, Thérèse Coffey, has revealed that the one in 30-year standard is simply a "voluntary aim".
Tim said: "But the minister's response to me was extremely concerning - an admission that this discrepancy exists, but a determination to do nothing about it.
"The EA's plans for flood defences along the River Kent are impressive and it's good news that work is set to finally start soon.
"However, unless the Government actually stands up to the water companies and hold them to a much higher standard, then people will find although they're protected from flooding from the river, they won't be protected from flooding from the drains."