"Government must listen to Cumbria no vote" says MP

Commenting after the news that Cumbria County Council rejected the plan to move to Stage 4 of the Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) process, South Lakes MP Tim Farron has reiterated his call on Copeland Council and the Government to take the Lake District National Park out of any plan for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
This afternoon Cumbria County Council's Cabinet voted 7-3 not to proceed to stage four of the MRWS process.
Tim said: "The county council's decision today has put the whole question of whether nuclear waste can be stored in West Cumbria in doubt. The Government should now be looking at other more geological suitable sites throughout the rest of the UK.
"Copeland's yes vote earlier today and the accompanying noises that they 'can go it alone' are worrying, because the district contains large swathes of the beautiful Lake District within it. At the very minimum Copeland and the Government must rule out the Lake District National Park as an area for this facility."