Farron joins new 200-strong cross-party group of MPs demanding help for those excluded from Government support schemes
This week, local MP Tim Farron joined forces with over 200 MPs from nine different parties in forming an All-Party Parliamentary Group to be a voice for the millions of people who have been excluded from the Government's coronavirus support schemes.
Tim joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group for ExcludedUK for its first meeting on Tuesday morning - the largest of any inaugural APPG meeting, seeing over 150 MPs join online.
During the meeting, Tim said: "One in four people in my patch in the South Lakes are self-employed.
"The very people who could be the engine for a recovery are the ones we're killing off in their cradle.
"That is why it is not only morally right that we support those people, but it is fundamental to the recovery as well."
Liberal Democrat MP Jamie Stone, who set up the APPG, said: "We have all heard too many heart-breaking stories from those who have lost their livelihoods overnight as a result of the coronavirus crisis and are entirely excluded from the Government's financial support measures.
"That is why setting up this all-party group is so important. We made history this week with the largest ever attended inaugural APPG meeting - the fact that so many MPs have requested to take part is testament to how many of us want to see the Government help the three million people who have been left behind during the pandemic."
Speaking in the House of Commons after the Chancellor's budget statement yesterday, Tim raised the fact that once again this group of people had been given no support.
Tim said: "The Chancellor has failed today to provide support for the hundreds of thousands of newly set up small businesses, self-employed people and directors of small limited companies who are still excluded from support.
"Is today not the day that the Chancellor should be supporting those people and helping them to keep going, ready to meet the recovery?"