Climate change threat requires real action - Farron

Local MP Tim Farron last night spoke out about the need for real action on climate change at an event at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal,organised to coincide with a showing of Before The Flood.
Before the Flood is a documentary featuring Leonardo DiCaprio which explores the impact climate change is having on the world. The screening of the film was followed by a speech by Tim, as well as a Q&A on climate politics.
The event was organised by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (Cafs) and South Lakes Action on Climate Change (SLACC) in conjunction with the Brewery Arts Centre.
Tim said: "I'd like to thank everyone involved in organising this event, and showing this important documentary. For the sakes of future generations, the very real threat posed by climate change must be made known, and a consensus built to support taking real action to address it.
"Despite setbacks, such as a US leader sceptical about climate change and a Conservative UK government determined to slash support for renewable energy, it is vital that we continue to make the case for tackling climate change.
"It is only necessary to look at the local evidence to see the difference which individuals can make. The recently-opened hydro-power scheme at Killington Reservoir is just one example among many of determined local people clubbing together to make a difference. It will provide green energy for 70 homes and save 1600 tonnes of CO2 emissions."
Tim speaking at the event, and alongside representatives from CAFS, who helped to organise the event.