MP calls on Government to review 'bed taxes'
Local MP Tim Farron has expressed his concern at the idea of a 'bed tax'. Tim has already written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to make his feelings known, and has now submitted a written…
Local MP Tim Farron has expressed his concern at the idea of a 'bed tax'. Tim has already written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to make his feelings known, and has now submitted a written…
Speaking in a debate in the House of Commons this afternoon local MP Tim Farron called upon the Government to save local post offices by giving post masters/mistresses a long term future.
Responding to the Chancellor's 10th budget, local MP Tim Farron has welcomed the commitment to education through more capital funding for schools and more resources for newly qualified teachers.
Local MP Tim Farron and Grasmere campaigner, Vivienne Rees were joined yesterday by Shadow Foreign Secretary Michael Moore MP as they surveyed residents concerns in Grasmere.
Local MP Tim Farron has demanded that the Government make long overdue payments to local farmers immediately. Tim has submitted a written question to the Secretary of State Margaret Beckett which…
Local MP Tim Farron successfully completed his charity triathlon on Saturday 18th March in aid of North West Cancer Research Fund and New Holehird. Tim and his team trekked through snow to reach…
All press and reporters are invited to the first transition from foot to boat of local MP Tim Farron's charity triathlon on Saturday 18th March 2006 in aid of North West Cancer Research Fund and New…
Speaking during the second reading of the Education and Inspections Bill, local MP Tim Farron labelled the Governments' proposals for creating choice in rural communities a nonsense. Tim also branded…
Local MP Tim Farron submitted an Early Day Motion yesterday to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. The EDM also recognises and acknowledges the vital work of the Royal…
Local MP Tim Farron is concerned about the lack of consultation with traders and local residents over the traffic changes currently underway in Kendal and with the apparent lack of co-ordination of…