South Lakes set for multi-million affordable homes boost
Local MP Tim Farron has welcomed the news that South Lakeland will benefit from over £2million of funds to help tackle the problems caused by high levels of second home ownership.
South Lakeland will receive £2,357,421 from the Community Housing Fund to help deliver affordable housing in the area. This is the third largest sum of any local authority in the country. The money comes from a tax levied on second homes.
Tim said: "I have long campaigned on behalf of rural communities affected by high levels of second home ownership, and am pleased that the government is finally seeking to address this problem. This money will fund affordable homes, and help to give local people the chance to live in the place they grew up and the community they know.
"This decision from the government is a vindication of the Lib Dem-run district council's decision to prioritise the building of affordable homes in our area. So far, the council has built 267 affordable homes, and is well on track to meet its target of 1000 affordable homes to rent by 2025."
The funds will be distributed via local councils. Jonathan Brook, South Lakeland District Council Portfolio Holder for Housing and Innovation, added: "South Lakeland has some of the highest levels of second home ownership in the country and at the same time there is significant need for affordable housing for local people. We look forward to spending this money, and working with local communities and community land trusts, to deliver much needed affordable homes for local families under this scheme. These homes will have the added advantage of being excluded from the Government's Right To Buy scheme and so will remain affordable to rent long into the future."