MP encourages parents to attend maternity services meeting

South Lakes MP Tim Farron is encouraging parents to have their views heard on local maternity services at a meeting next week.
The Bay Wide Maternity Services Liaison Committee has organised a meeting for Thursday January 12th, between 10-12am at South Lakes Foyer in Kendal. Parents or others interested in maternity issues can attend all or part of the meeting, and are welcome to bring children.
There will be an informal and friendly environment, and parents will be encouraged to give their views on maternity issues facing the area. NHS care professionals will be there to hear people's views and give updates about services and advice.
Tim said: "This is an opportunity for local parents and others interested in maternity issues to have their voices heard. I would encourage local people to go along to this meeting and to make your opinions known, whether you have concerns about local services or want to highlight good experiences. This committee is a way of letting health bosses know what local people think of services and what they would like to see changed, so that maternity services work best for local people."
Photo: Tim with Mel Gard, Service User Representative and Chair of the Bay Wide Maternity Services Liaison Committee, who organised next week's meeting.