This afternoon, Westmorland MP Tim Farron said he was “over the moon” following the announcement that the residents of Elleray Gardens in Windermere would be receiving a refund from their housing management.
Anchor Housing had breached their lease with all residents of Elleray Gardens when a role was advertised for the Residential Manager to be replaced with a new member of staff who would not live on site.
This decision was recently overturned following discussions with Tim on behalf of the residents. One resident spoke about Tim’s involvement: “We've been absolutely thrilled with what Tim's done to help us.
“We've been wasting our breath... it was only when Tim got involved that Anchor Housing started to listen and seriously engage with residents."
Tim also won a sizeable refund for each resident for the contract breach. He said about the decision: “I am delighted to see Anchor Homes listen to residents and reverse their decision accordingly.
“Far too often, pensioners’ voices and needs are ignored and when we are in the middle of both a housing and cost-of-living crisis it is absolutely right to stand up to housing companies.
“I am really grateful we were able to resolve this but we must make sure these companies put residents over profit going forward.”