Tim Farron urges Ed Miliband to change energy plans to stop landlords being incentivised to repurpose homes into holiday lets

On the floor of the House of Commons this morning, local MP Tim Farron warned the Energy Secretary Ed Miliband that the Government’s new rules for the private rented sector could incentivise more landlords in Cumbria to turn their properties into holiday homes.
By 2030, all privately long-term rented properties must have a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C.
According to government figures, 55% of private rented sector properties are currently rated below C.
There’s a growing concern among landlords that they’ll have to spend thousands of pounds to meet the new regulations.
However, short-term lets will not have to meet these same standards.
Speaking in Parliament today, Tim said: “I very strongly support all efforts to increase energy efficiency and bring down bills.
“Is he concerned, though, about the potential unforeseen consequences of raising the minimum level for EPC certificates to C for long-term rented accommodation, but not doing so for short-term lets, and for owned properties?
“Because won't that just create an incentive in communities like ours for people to go to Airbnb or to second homeownership, rather than providing affordable homes for local people?”
Responding, the Secretary of State Ed Miliband said: “Well, look, the honourable gentleman raises an important issue.
“I believe I'm right in saying - and I'll check it with the Minister for Consumers - that as part of the consultation on energy efficiency, we're looking at the issue of short-term lets as well, because this is an issue that has been raised in the past, and I think he does raise an important question.
“And he's right to draw attention to what we are doing here, because this measure, which the last government proposed and then backed away from - a pattern we're seeing quite a lot at the moment, Mr Speaker - will take up to a million families out of poverty.
“And it's a basic principle, which is that if you're renting a home, and you pay your rent on time, you have a right to live in decent, warm accommodation.”