Siemens grant will create jobs in South Cumbria - Farron
Twenty supply chain projects from across the country will benefit from a total of £67 million of government investment. It has been announced that this will include Siemens in Ulverston. South Lakes MP Tim Farron thinks this grant will help South Cumbria and South Lakeland has a real opportunity to grow its supply chain.
Siemens Ulverston will be receiving a £620,000 grant as part of a £3.8 million project they are leading with Electron Beam Processes, Premier Precision Engineering and DLI.
The project will enable UK suppliers to commercialise innovations they are developing with Siemens for use in a new subsea product development. It will create up to 25 jobs and safeguard 6 jobs. Tim thinks the indirect benefits will lead to dozens more well paid jobs in South Lakeland.
Tim said: "This funding is incredibly welcome and will make a big difference. The Siemens supply chain goes all over South Cumbria and this news is a massive confidence boost for our economy.
"I hope this announcement will mean more well paid local jobs in our area."
Nationally, the manufacturing sector supports 2.5 million jobs and contributes almost £150 billion a year to the UK.