"Please don't go" says Cumbrian MP

'Cumbria can play a key role in keeping the union together' says Farron'
In the final few days of the Scottish independence referendum campaign, Tim Farron MP is urging northerners to make sure their voice is heard that the UK is Better Together.
The South Lakes MP, who is also President of the Liberal Democrats, is asking people to contact friends, colleagues and family members in Scotland and tell them that we are better together.
The idea is based on what happened in Québec in 1995 in their independence referendum. In that case, thousands of Canadians contacted people in Québec and urged them to say no to separation.
Tim said: "In the final few days of the independence debate our voice could be key. I'm urging northerners to get in touch with friends, family, colleagues and tell them that we love Scotland and we want them to stay."