Old Hutton power station plans "not appropriate" - Farron

Local MP Tim Farron has expressed his opposition to plans to build a power plant and energy storage site in Old Hutton.
The plans would see a gas-fired power station built, alongside industrial storage units to store energy. Tim has met with local protestors who are also opposed to the plans to hear their concerns.
Tim said: "Alongside local residents, I will do what I can to fight against these plans. Old Hutton is not an appropriate site for a development such as this. It is just 500 metres from a local primary school, raising a range of concerns about health and safety. There are also concerns about the impact that this development could have on flood risk in the area, as well as environmental damage.
"If a plant like this is of national importance to the energy grid, then it should be a national planning question with all the scrutiny that implies. I am concerned that developers are trying to sneak these plans through at a local level, despite the impact it would have on the local community."