MP welcomes news troubleshooters are to remain at hospital trust

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has welcomed news that the specialist NHS team drafted into Furness General's maternity unit will continue to stay there for the 'foreseeable future'.
The Care Quality Commission has said it will not re-inspectFurnessGeneralHospitaluntil the external team drafted in to provide additional support in the wake of a damning report on maternity services has finished its work on site.
The hospital trust is now working with Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust to improve staff training and to offer expert advice.
The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS foundation trust which runs Furness General is where nine-day-old Joshua Titcombe died in November 2008. The Care Quality Commission consequently investigated the saga and issued a highly critical report on the hospital's maternity services in September 2011. It also handed the trust a warning notice detailing the improvements to be made and setting a deadline.
Cumbria police are also currently investigating a number of deaths of other babies at the trust.
Tim said: "I welcome the news that the external advisors are staying at the hospital for the time being. When I spoke to Monitor recently I asked them to keep them there because I want to see long term improvements not just a short term fix. The advisors need time to be able to do their job properly - what is most important is that our maternity services are safe and seen to be safe.
"In recent years the Trust has made a number of decisions driven by motives other than medical need, and I believe that what we are now experiencing is a catalogue of issues as a consequence of those decisions."