MP welcomes major investment package for South Lakes young people
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has joined with county councillors Geoff Cook and Ian Stewart to formally welcome a package of measures totalling £115,000 for young people in the South Lakes agreed today.
The county council's Lib Dem-run local committee has agreed a £30,000 fund for apprenticeships in the South Lakes, which adds to the £80,000 agreed in November. The money is targeted at small and medium sized businesses, and also for young people not in employment or training currently. This is part of Tim's campaign to make 2012 the 'year of the apprentice'.
The committee also agreed £40,000 for an early intervention scheme to help young people attain in school. They also agreed £40,000 to continue to support the "A2B NoW" transport scheme. This allows young people, after an initial £5 charge, to use a smart card for their bus journeys in South Lakeland - as well as on any bus starting its journey in South Lakeland and making its way to Barrow, Keswick, Penrith, Kirkby Stephen or Lancaster - permitting travel for no more than £1 for a single journey or £1.80 for a return.
The A2BNoW card can pay for itself quickly - in fact some youngsters can save more than £5 on just a single journey. If you're over 16 you can save £7.95 on a return from Kendal toLancaster.
And finally they agreed £5,000 to help support three young people join the UK Youth Parliament. This is the first timeCumbriawill have representation in the youth parliament which meets in the House of Commons.
Tim commented: "Even though we have the lowest unemployment in England, we still must do more to support young people and help create well paid jobs in our community. Recently we helped to secure major investment for Gilkes which will help create 500 jobs and safeguard another 250 but we can and must do even more and that is why I welcome this fund and I hope that small businesses all across our area will bid for funds to take on an apprentice.
Young people tell me jobs and transport are their major concerns so I am delighted that Lib Dem councillors are taking young people's priorities on board and backing that up with schemes that will really help."
County Councillor Geoff Cook, Chair of the SouthLakeslocal committee said: "Our priority is helping and supporting young people. We want to help create well paid local jobs and this is just one way we are doing this. We are working with various partners on different projects to boost the economy and provide jobs. Today's announcement will allow us to give young people in our community a hand up the job ladder, with work experience that will really help them in the future."