MP welcomes Council budget plans
Local MP Tim Farron has welcomed South Lakeland District Council's budget plans for the year ahead, which were approved last night at a meeting of the full council.
The budget is designed to put the council on a solid economic footing going forward while enabling it to protect front-line services and achieve its objectives as set out in the Council Plan. The Council remains on track to meet its target of delivering 1000 affordable homes to rent and 1000 new jobs by 2025, alongside a range of other achievements. SLDC's part of the council tax bill will go up by £5 per year for a Band D property, which equates to less than 10p per week.
Tim said: "I welcome the fact that the council has passed this latest budget, meaning that the Lib Dem-run council can continue to make South Lakeland the best place to live, work and visit. The council's financial prudence and good management means they are able to invest in the things that make a real difference to local people. Whether it's building affordable homes, supporting local businesses and start-ups or expanding recycling across our area, the Lib Dem-run district council already has an impressive list of achievements to its name and this budget means it will continue to provide value for money and make South Lakeland even better."