MP welcomes 2015 Comic Arts festival dates being announced
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has welcomed the news that Kendal's Comic Arts Festival has announced its 2015 dates. The third Annual Lakes Comic Art Festival will be held from 16 to 18 October 2015.
This year's festival, which was held last month, saw the announcement of Dave Gibbons as the UK's first comics laureate, as well as the unveiling of the UK charity Comics Literacy Awareness.
Other guests included Gail Simone, Scott McCloud, Junko Mizuno, Doug Braithwaite, Dan Berry, Nick Abadzis, Sarah McIntyre and many more.
Tim said: "I'm delighted that the dates for Comic Arts' third year have been announced. Julie Tait and the team are putting together a wonderful event that is bringing people from throughout the world to Kendal. The event really boosts our town's restaurants, bars and hotels. I cannot wait for next year's festival - I am sure it will be even bigger and better than previous years."
Councillor Chris Hogg, South Lakeland District Council cabinet member for Culture added: "I'm delighted that SLDC continue to back this increasingly popular festival that puts Kendal on the map. Its great so many schools, local groups like Space2Create and businesses are involved with Comic Art Windows too."