MP Urges Young People To Register To Vote Ahead Of Deadline
With just hours left to register to vote, Westmorland and Lonsdale MP Tim Farron has urged young people to register to vote ahead of the deadline.
Residents must be on the electoral register in order to vote in the European Referendum on the 23rd June. Registering to vote is very simple and only takes around five minutes. To register, go to
The deadline to register to vote is midnight on Tuesday 7th June.
Those who were registered to vote in the elections in May and have not since changed address to not need to re-register.
Tim said: "In these next few short weeks, the post-war European project of peace, co-operation and prosperity lies in Britain's hands. This vote will hinge on young people and them getting out and making their voices heard. After all, they are the ones whose futures will be most affected by this decision.
"With a few hours to go I am urging young people to register to vote. Britain's position in the world is in the hands of the youngest voters, I am urging them to take a few minutes, sign up and make their voice heard - loudly and clearly.
"This referendum is fundamentally important to our future - don't let other people decide it for you!"