MP urges South Lakeland to vote for 'Digital Hero' John Colton
South Lakes MP Tim Farron has called on local residents to help him make local resident John Colton Talk Talk's Digital Hero for 2012.
John is a Founding Member and Technical Director of FibreGarden, a community broadband company managed by volunteers that was established two years ago to develop a superfast broadband network in the rural communities of Garsdale and Dentdale in South Cumbria.
Recently the Secretary of State for Environment and Rural Affairs visited Garsdale to announce that the community is one of the first two to get an agreement-in-principle for a Rural Community Broadband Fund grant. Pending some conditions being filled by the community-led project, 525 premises will be connected to superfast broadband following a Government investment of £157,500.
John's colleagues at FibreGarden say: "John's passion and leadership have been critical in developing the founding principles of a digital network with 100% inclusivity, fully future proofed, and under community ownership. John has worked selflessly with other communities in Cumbria to help explain the benefits of FTTH, producing the business and technical models to support the company's plans and tirelessly attending hours of community meetings and suppliers discussions to ensure the best possible outcomes."
Tim said: "The Digital Heroes Awards were designed to recognise and reward those who use digital technology to make a difference in their communities. John is the person who best exemplifies that.Having worked with him and others on the broadband scheme I know he is a worthy winner - please support him and help give a local person the national recognition they deserve."
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