MP to hold Westminster debate on access to cancer treatment

Local MP Tim Farron will lead a debate in the House of Commons this Wednesday on the subject of access to cancer treatment for patients.
Currently most people needing radiotherapy treatment in South Cumbria have to travel over an hour to their nearest radiotherapy unit in Preston.
Tim said: "It's estimated that one in six of us will need radiotherapy to treat cancer at some point in our lives, but easy access to this treatment can depend entirely on a postcode lottery.
"It is a sad reality that in rural areas of England like South Cumbria, travel times to cancer treatment can be unbearably long for too many people.
"And often patients are being forced to cover these long distances on public transport without the option of traveling in the relative comfort of a private car.
"It's vital that we continue to raise this as an issue, not just for people in the South Lakes but across the rest of the country too."