MP slams Government for refusing to scrap tax on local patients

Local MP Tim Farron has criticised the Government for refusing to back down on draconian measures which are robbing local hospital trusts of millions of pounds.
Trusts who are having to borrow money due to severe underfunding from central Government are being charged 3% interest by the Treasury.
Morecambe Bay Trust in South Cumbria are currently running a £63m deficit as a result of chronic underfunding and are therefore having to pay around £2m a year back to the Government.
In July, Tim wrote to the Chancellor, Phillip Hammond, asking for this 'tax on local patients' be scrapped immediately.
However, the Government replied saying their policy is applied across all NHS providers and that they would not be backing down.
Tim said: "While the NHS is on its knees, it's frankly shameful that the Government is profiteering off our local hospitals trust to the tune of £2m a year for the crime of putting patients first.
"This money could be going towards funding an extra 60 nurses for our area.
"If the Government were actually giving our hospitals the funding they need then hospitals trusts like Morecambe Bay wouldn't have to run a deficit in the first place.
"The Conservatives' shameful tax on local patients must end now."