MP says cancer report shows why we need radiotherapy at Westmorland General

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has used the release of a report showing that cancer care at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust is rated as very good or excellent as further evidence to bring radiotherapy services to Westmorland General Hospital. Tim was instrumental in bringing chemotherapy to our hospital.
The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES) showed that 92% of patients at Morecambe Bay have rated their care as very good or excellent.
The survey included all adult patients (aged 16 and over) with a primary diagnosis of cancer who had been admitted to an NHS hospital as an inpatient or as a day case patient, and had been discharged between 1st September and 30th November 2013.
Full results from the survey are available at the following link:
Tim successfully campaigned to bring chemotherapy services to Westmorland General Hospital and he is now working tirelessly to bring radiotherapy services too.
Tim said: "This report is further evidence that we should bring radiotherapy services to Westmorland General to improve the care local patients receive.
"Currently, hundreds of local people are forced to travel unbearable distances for vital radiotherapy. Having won our campaign to get chemotherapy to Kendal, we now stand on the edge of winning radiotherapy too."