MP put through paces at Kendal Leisure Centre

South Lakes MP Tim Farron was put through his paces during a visit to Kendal Leisure Centre.
Tim visited the gym, where he cycled 10 miles on an exercise bike before taking on a member of staff in a rowing challenge.
From this week, the running of the Leisure Centre has been taken over by Better, which is part of GLL. The company is keen to promote the benefits of keeping fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Tim said: "It was great to visit the Leisure Centre, and get put through a short workout! The gym facilities available there are fantastic, and it is a great way for local residents to stay fit and healthy. There is support available for people of all levels, as well as a range of classes - I'd encourage people to find out more online if they are interested."
SLDC Culture and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder Chris Hogg added: "The relationship between SLDC and NCL has been very productive and continues to deliver for the people of South Lakeland and I'm sure we will continue to build in this in the future with GLL."
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