MP presses minister to increase minimum wage to combat rising child poverty in the South Lakes

In the House of Commons this afternoon, local MP Tim Farron urged ministers to raise the minimum wage to tackle rising poverty in the South Lakes.
Speaking during Treasury Questions, Tim said: "While there are only 300 people registered unemployed in my constituency, there are nearly two and a half thousand children living below the poverty line which tells us that living in a workless household is not the principle cause of poverty, but low wages are.
"Will the Chancellor urgently review the minimum wage so that it actually becomes a living wage rather than giving it an inaccurate label intended only to ease the consciences of the comfortable."
In response the treasury minister, John Glen said: "The national living wage has gone up to £8.21 an hour. The Government's aspiration is to allow it to rise to 60% of median earnings.
"I think it's really important that we acknowledge that in 2010, £9,200 was the take home after national insurance and tax. That figure is now for someone working full time on the national living wage £4,500 more at £13,700."