MP presents Urgent Treatment Centre petition to Parliament
Local MP Tim Farron has presented a petition to Parliament which calls for an Urgent Treatment Centre to be brought to Westmorland General Hospital.
The petition, which has attracted over 2,500 signatures during recent months, calls for a centre which will provide better access to urgent care closer to home for South Lakes residents.
Tim said: "At the moment the Westmorland General Hospital has a wonderful PCAS unit which is run by absolutely fantastic and dedicated staff.
"But an Urgent Treatment Centre would be a great additional resource to have on top of that.
"It would mean that more ambulances would be able to stop at Kendal which would means that our paramedics would be able to get back out into the community much quicker than they are currently able to.
"It would also greatly relieve the pressure at the A&E units at Barrow and Lancaster - meaning that everyone's a winner if we can get an Urgent Treatment Centre.
"We know that the NHS are due to make a decision on this in the New Year so now seemed a good time to present this petition and show how much support there is to have an Urgent Treatment Centre at Westmorland General."