MP meets Friends of the Lake District Chief Exec to discuss boundary changes

Local MP Tim Farron met with the Chair of the Friends of the Lake District, Douglas Chalmers to discuss the proposed expansion of the national park.
The charity's proposal would increase the size of the park by around 155 square kilometres by incorporating parts of the Furness and Cartmel peninsulas.
During the meeting, Tim raised concerns about the effect on housing prices in these areas and made the case for local people to be given a greater say on the plans.
Speaking afterwards, Tim said: "I'm really grateful to Douglas for meeting with me to explain more about these very ambitious plans.
"Of course we need to make sure that all of South Cumbria reaps the benefits of having Britain's second biggest visitor destination on our doorstep but it's also important that this is weighed up against some of the downsides of being in the national park.
"For example, the effect on house prices for these places that could be brought into the national park could be devastating for families who are already struggling to get on the housing ladder.
"It's absolutely crucial that, as the Friends of the Lake District bring these proposals forward, it is the views of local people that are at the forefront of whether or not this goes ahead."