MP makes fresh calls for hospitality and tourism support package after new figures reveal that South Lakeland is furlough capital of the UK

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has told ministers that more still needs to be done to protect jobs in Cumbria's hospitality and tourism sector, after official figures show that South Lakeland has the highest proportion of furloughed workers in the country.
A report released this week from HM Revenues & Customs show that a staggering 4 in 10 workers in the South Lakes are currently on furlough.
Meanwhile neighbouring Eden has the second highest proportion in the country at 39%.
There are fears that many businesses in the industry will start making large-scale once the furlough scheme starts to fade out next month.
Speaking during a debate in Parliament yesterday on the easing of lockdown restrictions, Tim said: "The reality is we've already had a 314% increase in unemployment in my constituency - the biggest in the country. We have the largest number of people on furlough at 40%.
"And UKinbound's research shows that 60% of their members expect to make redundancies next month in anticipation of the furlough scheme tapering out.
"So, we're heading for huge hardship unless the Government agrees to the package proposed myself, Cumbria Tourism MPs from across the House and indeed tourism organisations right across the country from Visit Durham to Visit Cornwall.
"The Government must fast-track a specialist package for hospitality and tourism to save that industry today."