MP launches appeal for people to send videos of them promoting the Countryside Code to help make new public information film
Local MP Tim Farron is calling for people to send him videos of them promoting the Countryside Code as part of a new public information film.
The code encourages people to 'Respect', 'Protect' and 'Enjoy' the countryside.
It comes after lots of complaints of people not behaving responsibly in the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales last weekend - leaving litter, blocking roads with their cars and not socially distancing.
Tim is encouraging people to send him videos of them setting a good example following the Countryside Code - such as taking litter home with them, parking responsibly and closing farm gates - for him to put together as a public information video to share on social media.
Tim said: "As the lockdown relaxes it's crucial that people who are visiting the Lakes and the Dales do so in a safe and responsible way.
"So let's get the word out there about the Countryside Code of 'Respect', 'Protect' and 'Enjoy', because if we all follow it then we can make sure we respect the community that we're in and respect one another and keep one another safe.
"So please do email us a quick 10 second video of you helping to spread that message to and we'll create our own unique public information video."