MP holds farmers forum
Local MP Tim Farron has held another one of his regular Farmers Forum yesterday in Heversham.
At the meeting they discussed EID sheep tagging, CAP reform, proposals for theLythValleydrainage scheme and single farm payments.
Tim is currently chair of the All-Party Parliamentary group on Hill Farming and has long fought for fair trade for our farmers.
NFU President Peter Kendall recently said of Tim: "Many of my members, especially in Tim's back yard in the North West, recognise him as a positive force for farming, keeping our issues high up the political agenda and never losing sight of the vital contribution food and farming make to our economy."
After the meeting Tim said: "Working with the farming community is vital and I work all year round to make sure there issues, concerns and views and heard in Westminster. Rural communities like ours need a strong voice and this is what I spent every day trying to do. Being able to hold my farmers forum allows me to find out what is going on and gives me the chance to build up evidence to take down to DEFRA to make sure farmers in the South Lakes get the deal they deserve."