MP holds annual youth forum

Tim Farron hosted his eleventh Youth Forum last week, which provides an opportunity for young people from across the constituency to meet with Tim and discuss various topics on both a national and local scale.
This year's Forum was held at the South Lakes Foyer in Kendal, and attended by 15 pupils, from 6 schools and a college. Professional adviser John Greener from Inspira also attended the Forum.
The students were given the chance to discuss various topics including Tim's involvement in social media and post 16 transport. There was also an interesting discussion between the students about a very current question; whether the voting age should be lowered to 16, with the students voicing various sides to the debate.
At the end of the Forum there was a Q and A session, where students were given the opportunity to ask Tim questions about issues or topics concerning them. Question topics raised included Trident, transport and the Government's actions on climate change.
Tim said "The Forum was a great chance for me to discuss a number of very relevant topics with the students; it was so interesting to hear their views. It was great to see a group of young people so engaged with the topics being discussed, and they came up with some fantastic questions."