MP calls on residents to "Love your local market"
South Lakes MP Tim Farron is calling on local residents from across South Lakeland to throw their support behind their local markets as it is announced that the 'Love Your Local Market' fortnight will take place next month.
'Love Your Local Market' (LYLM) fortnight, which is back by the Department for Communities and Local Government, will run from Wednesday 15th May - Wednesday 29th May 2013. Last year the campaign saw huge success with over 400 markets being help under the specific LYLM banner and 3000 incentivised market stalls being offered, of which over 2000 were taken up by new traders during the fortnight.
Tim is calling on South Lakeland District Council as well as parish councils and residents across the South Lakes to get behind the campaign and back the promotion on local markets to get the focus back on supporting local traders and producers in our communities.
Commenting Tim said: "This is a great campaign to support and a fantastic way for us to put the emphasis back on local producers, local traders and local communities by supporting our local markets. I want to see the campaign backed by as many people as possible to ensure that we have as many successful markets running as possible during the Love Your Local Market fortnight to help rejuvenate our village and town centres."