MP backs councillor's No10 petition to save vascular services

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has called on local residents to back a petition set up by Ambleside and Grasmere councillor Heidi Halliday, which is aiming to save vascular services for patients in the South Lakes.
The e-petition placed on the government website can be found here:
Heidi has added an explanation about her e-petition on the website, writing: 'Ensuring short journey times could be the difference between a surgeon being able to save a patient's limbs or even their lives. By removing services from Lancaster, the Cumbria and North Lancashire NHS trusts would be putting the lives of those who live in our more isolated communities at unnecessary risk.
'For over 40 years, our Vascular Unit has developed a regional and national reputation, based on excellence of speciality training, and has played its part in national and international research and development. We desperately need this unit to continue.'
Commenting, Heidi Halliday said: "My brother Jonathan passed away in 2008. He was awaiting a combined pancreas and kidney transplant due to complications arising from having insulin dependent diabetes over many years. I know how important vascular services are, as they played a big part in my brother's life during his years of dialysis and treatment. This is why I am so passionate about keeping these services as local as possible."
Tim added: "Heidi has done a fantastic job and has really been helping to lead this campaign. I hope that hundreds of local residents sign this petition and show NHS bosses and local councillors that we want to keep vascular services as local as possible - making people travel as far as Carlisle or Blackpool could endanger lives."