MP asks constituents where would they like a new postbox

South Lakes MP Tim Farron is calling on his constituents to get involved with a new Royal Mail initiative.
Royal Mail is proposing to erect 2000 additional letter boxes across the country, and Tim is asking his constituents to get in touch with their suggested locations.
Tim said: "I am keen to ensure that residents in my constituency benefit from this proposal and I am therefore asking for suggestions for new letterbox locations, which I will make sure are considered.
"I am very much aware from the number of letters I receive daily how important postal services are to my constituents and I am keen to ensure that they are as convenient and as efficient as possible for everyone in South Lakeland."
Suggestions, along with location specific directions, should be sent to Tim Farron MP, Acland House, Yard 2 Stricklandgate Kendal, LA9 4ND or via email to