MP asks community to turn out to honour local hero Ryan Ward
In advance of Kendal solider Ryan Ward's funeral on Monday 12th November local MP Tim Farron has asked local residents to come and join him by lining the streets to pay tribute to a 'wonderful young man'.
Tim has met Ryan's father twice in the last week. During those meetings Tim offered his support in the upcoming days, and his condolences to the family.
Ryan's full military funeral is being held on Monday 12th November at Kendal Parish Church from 12noon - 1pm (firing shots about 12.45) - the funeral party will then leave Kendal Parish church about 12.45 and walk slowly along Highgate to the Town Hall) then heading to Parkside Cemetery.
Tim said: "Meeting Mr Ward last Thursday evening was humbling - but it was also inspiring, he is determined that our town honours Ryan. He told me that he would like me to try and make sure the town comes out in droves to pay tribute to his son on the day of Ryan's funeral. I promised to do everything I could to make that happen.
"On Monday 12th I imagine our whole town and our community will turn out to honour one of our own. Many of us knew Ryan and know that he was a wonderful lad who was proud to be serving his country. This is an opportunity - the day after remembrance Sunday - for us to stand together as a community and pay our respects to Ryan and his family."