MP and Kendal landlord team up to tell PM to axe vaccine passport plans for pubs

South Lakes MP Tim Farron and landlord of the New Union pub in Kendal, Phil Walker have written a joint letter to the Prime Minister urging him not to go ahead with plans to force people to show a vaccine certificate to enter pubs.
A government review is being held on the idea, but it has been widely criticised by the hospitality industry.
Writing to Boris Johnson, Tim and Phil said: "The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an enormous toll on the pub and hospitality industry.
"As restrictions start to ease, and pubs reopen, it's crucial that every effort is made to allow pubs to get back on their feet again.
"So be in no doubt - your proposals would take a sledgehammer to the recovery of pubs.
"As half of the population are yet to receive a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, making it mandatory to have proof of vaccination before entering a pub would significantly reduce the number of customers that pubs can serve, making pubs completely unviable.
"It will also have a huge impact on workforce, with the majority of bar staff at most pubs under the age of 50 and therefore unlikely to have been vaccinated.
"It will add extra burden, costs and stress on those running pubs - effectively turning pub landlords into border guards.
"We also feel that this move would be extremely discriminatory - are pubs to turn away pregnant women or families with young children even though they are currently not allowed to receive the vaccine?
"We therefore urge you to please reconsider this badly thought through and deeply damaging plan and instead ask you to refocus your efforts on supporting pubs to recover and help lead our country's economic recovery."