MP and councillors urge 'spring clean' for South Lakeland villages

South Lakes MP Tim Farron and councillors Peter Thornton and Sue Sanderson have all backed a national spring clean campaign to keep South Lakeland tidy.
The 'national spring clean' is to be held on Saturday 21 March 2015, the first day of spring, with the aim of sprucing up the country's high streets, residential and business areas, villages and parks.
There are many community groups, like residents in Old Hutton, who are already involved in regular litter picking activities. They want this national initiative, being delivered in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, to give local groups and communities in recognition they deserve and encourage other groups - great and small - to help end the scourge of litter.
Tim said: "This is a great campaign and will be a fantastic start to spring 2015 with residents in communities throughout South Lakeland to keep our public spaces litter free. Villages like Old Hutton are leading the way and I hope that other villages and communities join the campaign!"
Sue Sanderson, Environment and People Portfolio Holder at South Lakeland District Council added: "I'm very pleased to support the campaign. Many local groups and parish councils have litter picking days and so it's good to have a national day as well."