Local councillor slams controversial Thirlmere zipwire plans

Local Lib Dem County Councillor Will Clark says he is strongly opposed to plans to erect multiple zipwires across the valley of Thirlmere.
In a letter to the Lake District National Park Authority, Will raised concerns over the project's safety and said that Thirlmere valley was "definitely the wrong place for this kind of thing".
Will said: "The fact that The National Trust, the British Mountaineering Council, Campaign for National Parks, the Ramblers Association, Open Spaces Society, Fell & Rock Climbing Club, and Friends of The Lake District are publicly against the plans speaks volumes.
"But it's not just these larger organisations that feel a zipwire is not in keeping with the local area - many local residents are also against the idea.
"This project would lead to the tranquillity of the valley being shattered, a wild landscape being lost and I also have grave concerns about the safety of the project.
"Thirlmere cycling hub would be a worthwhile standalone project but sadly it doesn't compensate for the visual impact of the zip wire.
"The Lake District National Park Authority are proud to boast about the areas recent accreditation of World Heritage Status. Surely this means conserving and enhancing an area of natural beauty and not making it into a busy theme park."
This Friday is the deadline for comments on the plan to be submitted