Local councillor joins residents to oppose housing development which could lead to flooding

Local Liberal Democrat councillor Jon Owen has joined local residents in opposing a new housing development in Kendal which could lead to flooding problems in the area.
The site at the top of Moore Field Close, north of High Sparrowmire, is currently green fields, and there are concerns that increased run-off could flood homes down the hill.
Jon has held numerous meetings with residents to discuss and act on their concerns about the development and to help them to have their say on the planning application.
Jon said: "As district councillor for Kendal North and a Liberal Democrat, I am fully bought-in to our ambition to build more homes for Kendal and to enable more homes - especially affordable homes - to be built, and I'm proud of our record to date against these ambitions.
"But I simply cannot back a scheme that is likely to result in residents in Hallgarth being flooded out of their homes again.
Local resident Ned Naylor said: "This is a fundamentally flawed, ill-conceived attempt to destroy a natural flood defence that has protected these estates from surface water runoff from the area above High Sparrowmire for over five decades."
Another local resident Rick Smith said: "At a time when Kendal is talking about building flood defences is pure folly to destroy a very effective natural one on Moore Field Close."