Job prospects on the up - Farron

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has welcomed the news of increased job postings in the county. Tim has said this is great for businesses and jobseekers in Cumbria.
According to the Cumbria Statistical Observatory in the period from April to June, there were 8,358 job postings in Cumbria which is 3,474 more than were placed in the previous three months and is 3,998 more than the same quarter last year.
In May alone 1,355 jobs were posted.
Tim said: "The news that so many South Lakeland businesses are now advertising jobs it is a good indicator for the state of our economy. It shows that we are making our own luck.
"But I will be taking nothing for granted and will keep working with businesses to secure more investment, create more well paid jobs and boost apprenticeships in our area."