Farron welcomes council investment in affordable homes

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has today welcomed the decision by South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) to back affordable homes in our community.
At today's SLDC cabinet meeting it was decided that the New Homes bonus would be ring fenced for the development of affordable housing and infrastructure projects which will enhance communities in the South Lakes. The fund could provide SLDC with several million pounds over the coming years.
Unlike many councils who have decided to put the New Homes Bonus into general reserves or spend it on other services, SLDC are using it to enhance affordable housing in the South Lakes. The Coalition Government is providing a 'bonus' for new homes by match funding the additional council tax raised from new homes and empty properties brought back into use, with an additional amount for affordable housing, over the next six years.
The council has also agreed to spend an estimated £900,000 accrued from Second Home Owners on affordable housing and grants for facilities for disabled people in our area.
Finally, the cabinet also agreed to look at introducing share equity and rent schemes to try and help people onto the property ladder.
Tim said: "Hearing that South Lakeland District Council are ring fencing funds to spend on affordable homes is fantastic. They are putting our community first and making sure that local families have a chance to own a truly affordable home. South Lakeland District Council are leading the way in this and I hope other councils from across the UK start to follow their example."
Peter Thornton, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Development on SLDC added: "People have told us that affordable housing is their priority and the council is doing more and more to provide truly affordable homes in our area. Today's cabinet decision will open the way for this to happen and allow us to build affordable homes which will be either be for rent to local people or discounted sale."