Farron Urges Public To Attend Mental Health Consultation

South Lakes MP Tim Farron is urging the public to make their voices heard at a public consultation this Thursday about the future of Kendal's mental health ward.
It will take place on Thursday 30th June, between 1-7pm at South Lakes Foyer, Yard 95, Stricklandgate, Kendal, LA9 4RA.
The Kentmere mental health ward was originally due to be closed at the end of June. Following a huge campaign by Tim and local residents, this decision was put on hold while further consultation takes place. A final decision about the future of the ward will take place at the end of the summer.
Tim said: "I urge local residents to go along on Thursday and make their voices heard. 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues - this could be any one of us. It is essential that there is support for these people available here in Kendal. It is unacceptable for these services to be moved to Carlisle, Barrow or Whitehaven.
"This consultation is an opportunity for the public to make clear to health bosses that they want these services to remain in South Lakeland. Together we have forced them to look again at their decision to close the ward - we must now keep up the pressure until its future is secure."