Farron urges people to come to meeting tomorrow with health regulator

South Lakes MP Tim Farron is urging local residents to come and speak to health regulators the CQC, about the care provided at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust.
The Chief Inspector of Hospitals is holding an 'listening event' tomorrow to allow local people tell him about their views. Your views and experiences will help inspectors decide what to look at when they inspect the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Westmorland General Hospital and Furness General Hospital in February.
The event is being held at 6.30pm at Kendal College, Milnthorpe Road, Kendal, LA9 5AY
Tim said: "I'm urging local people to come to the event and let health regulators know their experiences both good and bad. It's really important that they hear from local people. I am going to the event with a dossier of cases I have dealt with. The only way we can improve care is if the regulation Is rigorous and effective - with residents help, we can try and make sure that happens."
The CQC inspection team is expected to look in detail at eight key service areas: A&E; medical care (including frail elderly); surgery; intensive/critical care; maternity; paediatrics/children's care; end of life care; and outpatients.
A full report of the inspectors' findings will be published by the Care Quality Commission later in the year.